New Year Prayers

I have a good friend who does not create vision boards, new year resolutions or goals until February or March.  I always thought it was odd, but now see the purpose in this. There is so much hype and excitement towards the end of the year and the new year that sometimes it's hard to plan and really decipher what is needed for growth in a new year. 

As I reflect back on 2024 and my vision board of 2024, It was a very ambitious and busy board! (photo above). I realize now that the themes of positive energy, spiritual growth, a present mom and wife, a good relationship with food and quality relationships with others are more life long goals.

This year I piggy back off of my old vision board and pray to have endurance with this vision. To keep pressing particularly on days where this vision feels very far from me. So my prayers for this year are below:


  1. Purpose/My Why:  My boss asked me where I see myself in the next 1-2 years. I honestly I am at a point in my life where I am more open to not having as many air tight plans. I definitely still have goals, but I am more conscious of the unexpected occurring. There is a need to consult the "Wonderful Counselor" on a day to day basis while adjusting plans accordingly. I recently learned that this name for Christ also means "strategist, adviser, planner." I see myself today living more moment by moment, trying to loosen control and trusting His schedule. My prayer is to be less self career oriented, but to use my career to touch as many people as possible. 
  2. Health:  I was put through a  scare last year in regards to my cholesterol being high as well as having a series of physical injuries.  It was an eye opening reminder for me of aging and being patient with myself in recovery. While my cholesterol did reduce with some reduction in my red meat intake, I still have quite a lot to learn about my relationship with food, stress, exercise and recovery. 
  3. Boldness: I realize many times when I overeat I have held back in areas of speaking my mind/ heart to others. I am often not good with speaking directly when offended, so my prayer is to not shy away from tough conversations. Being quick to listen and slow to speak is a strength for me, but it does not mean to never speak. 
  4. Live with Margin and Pace: I don't want other things to drain me so much that I have less left for my husband and kids. Some days it just takes a lot to wind down and the guilt is real when I am more irritable towards them. I think when I look at my schedule there has to be more margin for rest.  I may not be able to control some aspects of my schedule, but I can be wise and prayerful about what I agree to say yes to.  I have begun training for a race again as running has been an important outlet for me for stress since medical school. One thing I’m much more conscious of after coming back after an injury is pace. I cannot worry about my old pace or the pace of others, as I may run the risk of getting injured by putting my body through more than what it can handle. I am realizing this in areas of work, motherhood, relationships …. It's not a season to do all things at all times.  My pace will look different from others and that’s ok. Again, if I go too quickly I run the risk of being emotionally and mentally injured so I will slow down so that I can not only finish, but finish well. My prayer is to cultivate a heart where I care more about Him saying  “Well done” than the well done from others.  

    Lastly, I pray for our country and those really struggling as this new year has started. Many sessions I have done with my patients have focused on regulating fear amongst uncertainty and loss. It is easy to say, “don't worry, have hope, keep trusting” when one has not gone through the same thing another has. I pray for compassion with action to be stirred in the hearts of leaders and others who can make a difference. I also pray to support others who are losing hope with the hope Christ has given me. I believe these times are the very definition of faith- the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of what is not seen. I pray for faith to be our strength amidst uncertainty and fear. 


Reflection Questions

What does your vision look like for 2025 and beyond?

Where are you getting your inspiration from to create this vision and how will you sustain it? 

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